A.   Acting as a promoter of people who have obtained a doctoral degree or have a Ph.D.:


Name and surname


Name of entity that gave a degree or in the opened wire

Year of award of the degree / doctoral opening


Anna Skwara

Programowanie polityki rozwoju Polski w dostosowaniu do standardów Unii Europejskiej

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences

- / 2010


Marcin Adamczyk

Ekonomiczno-społeczne aspekty handlu internetowego na przykładzie wybranych przedsiębiorstw branży księgarskiej województwa mazowieckiego

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences

- / 2011


Michał Wielechowski

Deficyt budżetowy i dług publiczny Polski z perspektywy nowej ekonomii politycznej

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences

2016 / 2013


Łukasz Pietrych

Zastosowanie teorii stabilnych alokacji w projektowaniu rynku pracy z uwzględnieniem roli infoormacji

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences

2017 / 2015


Iryna Petrovska

Wykorzystanie chmury obliczeniowej w polskiej gospodarce

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences

- / 2015


Beata Kowalczyk née Gzejszczyk

Convergence Processesin in the Agricultural Sector in the Countries Joining the Eurozone

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences

2019 / 2017


B. Reviewer of doctoral dissertations:


Name and surname


The unit that has given the degree


Aleksandra Górecka

Conditions for the development of the tourist function in rural communes of the Podkarpackie Province

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences


Joanna Chudzian

Influence of promotion on shaping the market behavior of consumers of dairy products

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences


Agata Sielska

Making production decisions on farms with multiple goals

SGH Warsaw School of Economics; Collegium of Management and Finance


Ilze Stokmane

Competitiveness and development tendences of the Baltic countries

Latvia University of Agriculture; Faculty of Economics


Rosita Zvirgzdina's

Analytical evaluation of economic aspects of intensifications of the activity of dairies in Latwian rural regions

Latvia University of Agriculture; Faculty of Economics

6. Danuta Żylak Insurance protection of the tourism sector - a comparative study between Poland and Croatia Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences


Sanda Cingule - Vinogradova

Evaluation of the potential of Southern Latgale and the directions of its development

Latvia University of Agriculture; Faculty of Economics

8. Gabriela Malik Modeling the relationship between the prices of agricultural products on the futures market with the use of the linkage function Cracow University of Economics; Finance Department


Saturnin Lazare Adigaw-E-Touck Adigaw

Contributions à quelques problèmes de modélisation statistique non paramétrique

L'Université de Rouen France


Lāsma Dobele

Social Entrepreneuship Development Possibilities in Latvia

Latvia University of Agriculture; Faculty of Economics and Social Development

11. Sandija Zeverte-Rivza's Risk evaluation in production of renewable energy in rural enterprises in Latvia Latvia University of Agriculture; Faculty of Economics and Social Development
12. Renata Kubik Economic efficiency of production techniques in commercial farms in Poland Poznań University of Life Sciences; Economic and Social Department


Aleksandra Pawłowska

Farm income decomposition using the counterfactual method

SGH Warsaw School of Economics; Collegium of Economic Analysis


Natalija Kostrikova

Opportunities for Blockchain Technology Adoption in the Economy of Latvia in the Context of Baltic States Region

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies; Faculty of Economics and Social Development

C. Care for candidates for doctorate:

    1. Beata Grzejszczyk

    2. Maryna Panchenko

    3. Piotr Pomiechowski

D. Pełnienie funkcji recenzenta rozpraw habilitacyjnych:


Name and surname

Title habilitation work

The unit that has given the degree


Adam Wąs

Modelowanie przemian strukturalnych polskiego rolnictwa

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences


Agnieszka Sompolska Rzechuła

Ocena jakości życia na poziomie lokalnym na przykładzie województwa zachodniopomorskiego

Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Faculty of Economic Sciences


Salima Taibi-Hassani

Modelés Prévisionnels et  Elaboration d’Endices: une Approche non Paramétrique

L'Université de Rouen France

4. Robert Pietrzykowski Spatial differentiation of agricultural land prices in Poland Warsaw University of Life Sciences; Institute of Economy and Finance

E. Education of students in the framework of doctoral studies:



Title of lecture/speech

In years


PhD studies at the Faculty of Economic Sciences

Mathematical  Statistics

2011 - 2018


PhD studies at the Faculty of Economic Sciences

PhD seminary (individual)

2011 - 2018


PhD studies at the Faculty of Economic Sciences

Quantitative methods in economics

2014 - 2018